Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In response to question 3:

Gordy and Junior's friendship plays a major role in preventing Junior from completely isolating himself at Reardan. He has already earned the respect of Roger and some of the tough kids, but has failed to get the attention of Penelope, even after he did the trick-or-treating for charity. Eventually, however, even Roger's respect faded and Arnold was completely disregarded by his peers and even by the teacher. It was only when Arnold aggressively made himself friends with Gordy that he was able to interact with someone.

Arnold and Gordy seem to by a very good match for friends. Both are outliers and relatively "geeky" compared to the other kids in their grade. But Gordy is also another important figure in Arnold's life. We can see that he teaches Arnold how to dissect the little aspects of life and how when looking into detail, one can discover many different mysteries. He provides Arnold with a positive role model to follow and teaches him many valuable lessons. But a big question would be how does this relationship rival the one with Rowdy and which one is more beneficial to Arnold.


  1. Arnold and Rowdy and Arnold and Gordy both became friends because of necessity, because all of them all are alone. The difference between the two friendships is that Arnold and Gordy are similar and share interests which keeps them together. Arnold and Rowdy are held together because they are stronger together than alone and because of all the time they spent together. I believe that Rowdy and Arnold's friendship is more beneficial because although Rowdy isn't a good influence Rowdy clearly means a lot to Arnold, MUCH more than what Gordy means to him. How do you think Arnold and Gordy's relationship will progress throughout the novel? Will they form a stronger bond or would they drift apart?

  2. I disagree with Erica. Although Rowdy kept Junior safe, he was a negative influence on Junior's life. Rowdy's lifestyle promoted violence, and he even tried to hold Junior back from going to Reardan, abandoning Junior when he needed it most. In this way, Junior's friendship with Rowdy is very limiting. On the other hand, when Arnold is with Gordy he is learning and progressing. Gordy is helping Arnold to find a place at his new school and helping him with his work. Gordy is a much more positive friend for Arnold to have, and is therefore more beneficial. Do you think Arnold will develop strong friendships with any of the ohter characters? Who? Why?

  3. I agree with Erica. Throughout the novel, I think Gordy and Arnold's bond with become stronger because Gordy and Arnold give each other company. Also, they are both have the same interests and I think that is the key reason they will stick together. The reason they will stick together is because they share a bond that Arnold has never been able to relate to before. Although Rowdy and Arnold's friendship was so close, if Arnold and Gordy's friendship keeps progressing they could potentially have a very close friendship.

  4. Gordy and Arnold can help each other, much like Arnold and Rowdy helped each other, just by being there. Gordy is someone who can not only give Arnold a friend, but can also help him take a step back and look at himself. Disregarding the fact that Gordy must be helping his grades with his tutoring, he is a good companion for Arnold. Arnold is someone who Gordy feels like he can talk to, relatively intellectual but still has his feet on the ground. Gordy is also basically alone because of his odd personality, and Arnold is certainly someone who is not uncomfortable with the unusual. I think the Arnold-Roger relationship will develop a little more, and also possibly his relationship with Penelope. Additionally, Arnold has a truly positive influence with him for probably the first time in his life, which has to be helpful.

  5. I agree with Miriam with the fact that Gordy is a much better influence for Junior. Junior can definitely learn more and benefit from his friendship with Gordy. To answer Miram's question, I think that Penelope may come around and realize that Junior is a great guy. She judges him along with her friends and the school because he is Indian. They had a moment of connection when they were talking about helping people. They actually do share interests with each other. Penelope could create a strong relationship with Junior if she just let herself and not let the school judge her. Do you think Junior has given up on Penelope since she ignores him?

  6. I believe that Gordy is a better influence on Junior not because of how smart he is but because of his view of life. When Junior was best friends with Rowdy they could not compare lives because they spent every second of every day together though with Junior and Gordy that is not the case. Gordy is some little Einstein while Junior is smart but still an Indian living on the reservation. I believe that they can both learn a lot from each other not just about school but about life.

  7. The friendships Junior had between Rowdy and Gordy both were mainly due to the fact that everybody needs at least one friend to help them through life. Another reason is when in a fight, it is better to have 2 people on your side, especially if they are strong.

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