PTI Margin Notes/Guiding Questions

For this novel, you will have reading quizzes, but your notes will be different for this book. The reading assignments are a little longer, and they will span several chapters. Because of this, summary notes at the end of each chapter don’t make that much sense.

Here is what you will do for active reading:
-At the top of each page, write a phrase (1-3 words) that sums up the main point of the page (try to make this an inference or analysis –if not, make it an observation)
-Sparsely underline 2-3 important quotes (meaningful, significant, thematic) per reading
-Circle plot-base facts to help you keep the facts and plot straight
-Star 2-3 key moments (epiphany/conflict/climax/tragedy/shocking statement) each reading
-At the end of each reading, on the last page, write 3 important points/changes/conversations/ thoughts etc. that Junior encountered in the reading.

Guiding Questions for the entire novel:
1.        What forces impact Arnold’s identity? (internal and external) Think about the title….
2.       What happens when societal, cultural and familial expectations collide?
3.       In what ways do societal expectations impact our everyday lives?
4.       How does one navigate the differences between individual and group identity?
5.       What did Alexie intend for readers to take away from reading this book? 

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